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Oct 17, 2014 2:53 PM

Jul 2008
Three things had happened in the chunin exam that needed addressing, three things Kensei knew he had to place at the very top of his to-do list. After the exam the medical team had brought him home at his request, despite the state of his leg.

As soon as he did, he had brought out a spare leg-brace. More then a spare, it was an early prototype of the brace he had worn in the exam. It was stiff, not able to electrify or use any abilities at all, but it was enough to let him walk and get working on his list.

"Point 1: Restore and strengthen leg-brace" He jotted down on the notepad, and got to work on a new and improved brace-design.

An hour later, and with a pile of scrapped ideas behind him, he comes up with a rather peculiar design. Identical to the old, but with stronger materials and joints, more shock-resistant assembly and a gearwork resistant to bending and heat. With conductive croc-teeth clamps with a thin wire attached mounted on it in order to hook it up to other conductive materials and weapons.

Despite lighter and stronger materials, the strengthening/armoring of the brace had increased its weight by almost 20%. It took some getting used to, but after getting it mounted on his leg he quickly adapted to the added weight. The rigidness allowed him to treat his leg with more force without causing pain, which increased his agility despite the increased weight of the brace, since it was no longer a problem if he slammed the leg into the ground or walls while dodging. In fact, it was strengthened for the spesific purpose of being used LIKE a weapon. A leg-worn sledgehammer.

With that, he moved to the desk and jotted down the second point on his list of things to address: "Point 2: Increasing the speed in which i deploy techniques and charges"

He begun by simply practising the handsigns of his created techniques, with the aim of shortening the time it took him to power up his leg in battle. Part hand-sign practice, part charge-training, he repeatedly used a chakra-efficient weakened version of his Variable Charge Technique to slowly but steadily increasing how fast he could bring it online and offline. In a few hours, he seemed to have gotten the hand of a certain technique that allowed him faster activation. Using a wire running through his clothes from his right arm to his leg, and his new and improved handsign-sequence, he could halve the time it took by weaving handsigns much faster and never having to physically touch the leg to charge it.

When that was done, he spent the remaining hours with old fashioned voltage-training, trying to increase how much he could conduct without hurting his body. He saved point number 3 on his list for the next day, as it would require a bit more time and effort then the first two points. After a good nights sleep, he'd grab the bull by the horns, quite literally~

PsynergiOct 17, 2014 9:11 PM
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
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Oct 19, 2014 5:44 AM

Jul 2008
The next day came with challenges of its own. Not the least amongst them where the matter of pride. Kensei had to seek out the one person one might not feel so good asking help from. But he was pragmatic, and realized the only way to cover his ass was to seek the guy who thorougly whooped it.

He left his workshop with his new gear fitted and asked around with the guards if the foreign shinobi group was still in town. To his luck, they were, and he was pointed in Havocs direction.

Altho 2 hours later he realized the guard had no clue what he was talking about. He had almost managed to get lost in his own village twice searching for Havoc, going through alleys and streets he rarely used. After a while he simply plotted his arse down on the stairs of the hokage manor and half-gave up half-expected the guy to randomly show up on his own.

((Haissem is invited to thread))
PsynergiOct 19, 2014 5:56 AM
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 20, 2014 4:58 AM

Dec 2009
Havoc has spent most of the days off after the exam simply lazing about Konoha, often vying for higher vantage points. Sadly there were not many within the town itself and so had resigned himself to sitting atop the Hokage's manor. This is where he had spotted the ninja whom he had fought against in the exams, Kensei.

It was a weird custom but Havoc had read about it in a book he had once read. Apparently it was how people in Konoha greeted one and other so Havoc figured he'd better adhere to the custom and say hello the Kensei the proper way.


Havoc launched himself off the manor and hurled himself towards Kensei with dynamic flare.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 21, 2014 3:52 PM

Jul 2008
Kensei, with his secluded lifestyle and manor-upbringing, had never actually encountered the dynamic entry outside of stories. He was surprised, and didnt have a snowball chance in hell to dodge the havoc now coming down on him (seewhatididthere?).

The two tumbled down the stairs until they both came to a halt some distance down, upon which Kensei blurted hystericly.
"ARE YOU INSANE!!?" He shouted and got to his feet, dusting off his clothes. "You couldve damn near killed me!"

After a few seconds of afterthought, he realized this was sorta what he wanted all along anyway.
"Ahem, in any case, its good that you are here. It so happens ive been looking for you"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 22, 2014 5:27 AM

Dec 2009

Havoc grins maniacally,

"Maybe. Besides I thought this was a greeting for you konoha folk, at least that's what the book told me."

Havoc also gets up and dusts himself down, straightening the mask hanging from the side of his head along with his cloak.

"Oh really, what do you need me for?"
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 23, 2014 5:08 PM

Jul 2008
"Well, i guess it kind of is.." He nodded in defeat.

"I did some reading after our battle. That ability of yours, it is a blood-line limit is it not?" He asked, although he kind of knew the answer, and kept talking.

"There is no way to ask this without embarrassing myself so ill just spit it right out. I want you to teach me how it works, and how i can fight it, spesifically that sudden burst of speed. If my research was any indication you are far from the only one out there with this kind of power, altho it varies from individual bloodlines as far as i can tell. I need to be ready."

He let out a short chuckle as he realized just what he was asking. And as such, he rephrased himself in much simpler terms. "Teach me how to kick your arse"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 24, 2014 10:18 AM

Dec 2009
"I did some reading after our battle. That ability of yours, it is a blood-line limit is it not?"

"Oh you mean the crystal? Yeah, though its rare even in my clan so I suspect we aren't the main family for it."

Havoc continues to listen to Kensei as he speaks.

"Well you have step one complete already, lightning release. My earth and crystal are weak against lightning and cant withstand many attacks of that nature, less if they are stronger."

Havoc then thinks about the proposal and has an idea,

"I haven''t trained in a while so how about some training versus myself. I'll tone it down and we can walk through steps and moves and see what happens."
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 24, 2014 11:53 AM

Jul 2008
"Really?" He asked, surprised that his type was effective against earth. He had never paid it any mind, but his basic logic always dictated the opposite. In his mind he thought this only goes to show the unpredictable nature of chakra, and that he shouldnt take anything for granted or assume he knows how it works based on theorem alone.

"Sounds like a plan. I have a small space in the backyard of my workshop, but its not suitable for anything larger then a 3-step spar" He chuckled. "Lets head to the woods, less chance of anyone seeing your secret too~"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 24, 2014 12:07 PM

Dec 2009
And so the two men ventured into the forest alone to get sweaty and wrestle with each other......

"So first we'll see how much of a punch you can throw with that lightning of yours."

Havoc slaps his hand to his chest activating the scroll underneath. The earthen armour comes first followed by the crystal spikes growing from his back.

"Don't hold back."
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 24, 2014 12:20 PM

Jul 2008
"Alright then" He said, and formed the three handseals required for the variable charge technique with a practised prescision and speed, visibly quicker then the last time they brawled.

"Variable Charge."
With a tap on the leg the brace whirred into motion, unlocking all restriction bolts and enabling free range of motion. Electricity danced across its surface, and despite grounded remained contained in the leg with chakra-control.

"I can pack the my strongest potential punch in the quickest time by using a conductor, which is why ive made the leg brace of mine to be highly conductive. Cumbersome as it may be." He informed, to allow havoc a better picture of how his abilities worked, and crouched.

With a hop, he popped into the air with a spin. Dragging the heavy brace into the air behind him with a distinct "clinck" sound. Coming out of the spin, he sends the brace crashing down towards Havoc heel-first, leaving a blue-ish trail of electrically charged particles behind it.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 24, 2014 12:28 PM

Dec 2009
Havoc lifts his arms and blocks the kick with his forearms, lightning coursing through the armour and down into the earth. As the lightning passes Havoc's armour is revealed to be cracked and splitting , the armour on his arms crumbling and falling away where the brunt of the impact had been absorbed.

"I see, your lightning basically breaks my armour letting almost any impact break straight through it; though you are lacking strength."

Havoc taps the armour on his chest as if to demonstrate as it crumbles away after the tapping.

"Perhaps a two stage attack would be more effective, first to crack the armour then to shatter it."

Havoc places his hand against his chest and activates his scroll again, the armour reforming almost as if it had never been destroyed.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 24, 2014 12:46 PM

Jul 2008
"A two stage attack you say.." He mused, as he straightened his shirt from the last tussle in the air.

"I have an idea. Judging from the exam your armor should handle this on its own normally, but maybe with the weakening of the lightning it may add up to some cumulative effect." He said, and crouched down like he was tying his shoelases. What he did in fact was to stick an explosive tag under the foot of his leg-brace, confident the new design could handle the force of the detonation.

"If im right the tag should go of just a moment after the lightning has hit your armor, further breaking it apart.. hopefully"

Charging the leg a second time, he takes a single step back momentarily before spinning in place and planting his foot in havocs chest. The electricity discharged immediately on contact, and the passing current of chakra set the tag to explode as well, which fizzled into detonation just moment later. The blast knocked Kensei off balance for a moment, actually causing him to fall over.
"Oof.. Did that work?"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 24, 2014 12:51 PM

Dec 2009
Havoc braces for the impact as the electricity courses through the armour once again followed by the blast, Havoc basically topples over backwards, most of the armour crumbling away as he falls, the rest shattering as he hits that ground.

He lets out a short winded cough,

"Yup... that works"

Havoc picks himself back up and offers a hand to Kensei to help him up.

"What else was there you wanted to try?"
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 24, 2014 1:06 PM

Jul 2008
"There was this one thing.. a technique ive been working on, but its a wierd one.. i havent really found a use for it. But this is a good a chance as any to try it out" He said, and rolled out two scrolls on the ground to summon the twin hummingbird puppets of his after pulling Havoc to his feet.

"Bring your armor back up, ive no idea the extent of this skills effect." He said and took a few steps back.

Tossing his arms out the side and then swinging them forward like he was bearhugging a giant teddybear, the birds fanned out on either side of Havoc. Once there, each launched a kunai with a wire into a tree on the opposite side of Kensei.

"In this configuration, the wired kuna, the twins and myself form a square-shaped conductive line. By running electricity through one side, and looping it back through me and back into the loop, i can effectively create what ive come to call a Kensei-Coil" (Teslacoil lol)

With a few handseals the electricity passed from his right arm and through the square-shaped circle, around havoc and pack into his left arm. With just a few moments of pushing the current through the coil, the voltage was high enough that the very air vibrated with a loud pitched beeping noise. As if you were caught in high altitude without depressurizing. At this point, havoc could feel something pull on his body. An invisible force willing him to stay in the center of the circle.

"Hang on now" He said, and clapped his hands together in the final seal in the proscess.

"Lightening style: Electromagnetic Induction Technique!"

With a final exertion of voltage, the coil visibly lit up from the dancing electricity, and Havoc was sent sky-high. There was no "launch", no impact, it was as if gravity was reversed and an invisible, powerful yet gentle force threw him from the very earth he stood on. By the time he stopped gaining altitude, he could swipe the top off the nearby tree-crowns with a sword if he had one, before the inevitable journey back to earth began.

However, before hitting the ground he was caught be the same gentle force, dampening his fall until he hung suspended in the air. He could still move freely, but no matter what he did or how he twisted and turned something seemed to pull him back to that same spot in the air, keeping him locked in a levitated state.

"Oh wow, it actually works." Kensei said surprised and amazed, completely forgetting to let Havoc down from his airborne prison.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 25, 2014 4:21 AM

Dec 2009
Havoc brought his armour back up and watched quite perplexed as the technique unfolded around him. It took a lot of setup time but when it finally took effect and he was rendered virtually immobile suspended in the air he saw the merits of the technique.

"Well.. this is different."

No matter how he moved he kept returning to his original position. Still sitting in mid-air Havoc decided to let him know the weakness.

"That's one hell of a set up time, granted the end result is effective. Unless you got team mates to buy you time it doesnt seem practical."
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 25, 2014 5:26 AM

Jul 2008
"Hmm, you are right. Perhaps some measure of stopping an enemys movement beforehand is preferable, an opening to set it up if you will" he noted, and powered the technique down by draining all power from the coil into his leg-brace. As it did, havoc was lowered to the ground with about the same speed as if he had a parachute.

"It may have other uses outside combat aswell... but there is another thing" He said, and seemed to hesitate.

"During our battle you exhibited impressive bursts of speed. I have to admit, im not well equipped to deal with sudden rushes like that. Which is why i would like to recreate that scenario and find a way to counter it. Will you help me?"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 26, 2014 2:40 AM

Dec 2009
"Oh that... heh... thats just a trick."

Havoc taps his armour as if to indicate the source of the trick.

"You had been fighting me armoured the first part of the fight so you got accustomed to my speed. However this armour is quite heavy so when it was removed it appeared as if I had increased my speed when really I had simply stopped limiting it."

Havoc thinks back to their fight and how Kensei's leg brace had operated.

"Kind of like your brace, it gives the impression of low mobility but that's rather deceptive."
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Oct 26, 2014 5:28 AM

Jul 2008
He glanced at the brace on his leg and realized havocs words made sense. The brain has a marvelous ability to adapt to situations, for better or worse, and this ability can be abused if done right. He remember reading of a Kunoichi defeating a much stronger opponent by reducing the strength of her strikes with each hit, giving the impression of exhaustion, and then delivering a crushing blow when the opponent lowered his guard beliving he had all but won.

"Heh, the mind sees what it sees, for better or worse i guess.." he said with a smile and a slight chuckle.
"This has been most enlightening Havoc-senpai, are you and your team leaving Konoha soon?"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Oct 26, 2014 8:12 AM

Dec 2009
"You know, i'm not really sure. Stuff just kinda happens."

Havoc lets out a wide grin, not that you can see it behind his mask, as if he knows the group somehow attracts trouble.

"Though we only just arrived so I think we'll be here a bit longer at least."
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Nov 15, 2014 4:06 AM

Jul 2008
"Excellent, i would like to keep training these concepts while you are still here if you dont mind. At the least id hope for one more session before we have to part ways."

He adjusted the brace for normal walking, stiffening the frame considerably.

"I guess its about time we headed back. Im sure your team is looking for you. It could cause complications on the political board if we were spotted together so i advise that we use caution when meeting."
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
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