Hibito "Samurai, Hibichov" Nanba

Hibito Nanba

Uchuu Kyoudai
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Uchuu Kyoudai: Apo's Dream
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Uchuu Kyoudai: Itten no Hikari
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Uchuu Kyoudai: Number Zero
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Uchuu Kyoudai
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Member Favorites: 161

Hibito Nanba (南波 日々人)

Birthday: September 17, 1996

An extraordinarily talented astronaut, chosen to be the first Japanese person to go to the moon. He is known as the "Samurai Boy" in America, where he is very popular. He really wants Mutta to become an astronaut.

He can play the guitar.

(Source: YTV English)

Voice Actors
Sanpei, Yuuko

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