Reika "Cure Beauty, Chloe, Glitter Breeze" Aoki

Reika Aoki

Smile Precure!
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Precure All Stars Movie New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi
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Smile Precure! Movie: Ehon no Naka wa Minna Chiguhagu!
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Precure All Stars Movie New Stage 2: Kokoro no Tomodachi
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Precure All Stars Movie New Stage 3: Eien no Tomodachi
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Precure All Stars Movie: Haru no Carnival♪
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Precure All Stars Movie: Minna de Utau♪ - Kiseki no Mahou
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Smile Precure!
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Member Favorites: 86

Reika Aoki (青木 れいか)

Age: 14
Location: Nanairogaoka
Height: 5'3"

With her elegant demeanor, she is an awe-inspiring yet kind girl. As vice-head of the Student Council, she is very reliable. Though she does not get angry at other's carelessness, she is the most frightening one of all when she does get angry. She is part of the archery team in school.

Voice Actors
Nishimura, Chinami
Higgins, Kate
Caparrelli, Cristina
Borrmann, Maren
Lambrey, Emmanuelle
López, Arianna
Lima, Danielle
Portuguese (BR)